Nellai Veterinary College and Research Institute

 Nellai Veterinary College and Research Institute, Nellai Samuthu Kathvum Project, training for trainers on scientific method of dairy cow husbandry was conducted at Nellie Veterinary College. It included 11 training sessions on dairy cow rearing and management methods along with process demonstration courses and Abhishekapatti district livestock farm visits conducted by college professors. The closing ceremony of the training was presided over by Edwin, Principal, Nellai Veterinary College and Research Centre. Certificates were awarded to the trainees. Training manual published. Ramlal, Sundararajan and others participated in the program. In the end, Training Co-Coordinator Gunaseelan gave vote of thanks. 30 people from Nellai and Tenkasi districts participated and benefited in this training.

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