In Tirunelveli Nellai Town Police seized about 200 grams of ganja packets


Assistant Commissioner of Police Vijayakumar and the police went on patrol in Tirunelveli Nellai Town area yesterday. Muthumari (27) of Town Bhagwatsingh Street who was standing suspiciously near Mariamman Temple on Cheranmahadevi Road was searched. They seized about 200 grams of ganja packets and Rs.2 thousand, which he had hidden for sale. The town police registered a case and arrested Muthumari. Similarly, Mellappalayam Police Sub-Inspector Fatima Praveen and the police arrested Barakatullah (26) of Mellappalayam Aminpuram Street, who was standing with ganja near Beedi Colony Exclusion during patrolling. They seized 95 grams of ganja from him.

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